We are thrilled to introduce another finalist for Connected Canopy, the creators behind String Ar(t)chitecture. This dynamic canopy reimagines the use of space at Cambodian Living Arts with a design that echoes the organization’s commitment to the arts. The canopy not only provides shelter but also creates an immersive sensory experience through its play of light, color, and sound. This project encourages visitors to see, hear, and become part of the art itself, fostering a deeper connection to the space and community.
Chan Racin and Chan Saito
Connected Canopy Finalists
“We believed that we have something special to share when we submitted. We were not sure if we would be selected as one of the finalists, but we kept our hopes up and believed in ourselves and our project. We are grateful to be chosen, and are beyond excited to start the next step in developing our design. Hopefully we’ll be able to see it through to the end and watch it become a reality.”
