This workshop is part of an ongoing Chakto project supported by Institut français du Cambodge to galvanize the cultural and creative industries in Cambodia. With a specific focus on writing, it aims at benefiting emerging Cambodian talents in four specific cultural sectors (cinema, books, dance and music), in partnership with Anti-Archive, Sipar, Cambodian Living Arts and Kongchak Pictures.
This initiative consists of two distinct workshops: Masterclass for the Senior Choreographers (February 11th – 16th, 2025) and Training for the Emerging Choreographers (March 21–23 and March 28–30, 2025). The primary goal of the Training for the Emerging Choreographers is to establish foundational knowledge in choreography writing and provide hand-on experiences to Cambodian junior choreographers through an intensive workshop. Selected participants will also receive a stipend in recognition of their time and commitment.
We are offering up to 12 places for emerging/junior choreographers to participate in 36 hours of rigorous training led by the renowned French contemporary dance mentor, Ms. Emmanuèle Phuon.
There are three key stages and timelines in this workshop:
Stage 1- Training Sessions: The selected participants will attend the training sessions scheduled for March 21–23 and March 28–30, 2025, focusing on fundamental knowledge in choreography writing. The sessions will include in-class activities, assigned readings, and videos for preparation both before and during the training. The training will be conducted in English, with Khmer translation provided.
Stage 2- Pitching Session: After completing the training, participants will have the chance to receive meaningful feedback on their choreographic work. On April 30, 2025, a panel of experts including regional ones will offer feedback as they engage with the participants’ pitching presentations. Based on this feedback, (up to) five emerging choreographers will be selected to receive a small grant to further develop their short choreographic works into work-in-progress artistic productions.
STAGE 3 – Public Performance: he choreographers
awarded the grant to produce a work-in-progress will present their work
publicly on October 03rd- 04th, 2025.